CDS Metaverse P2E Imperium Empires
Metaverse P2E

Imperium Empires

Imperium Empires
Imperium Empires

Imperium Empires is the world’s first AAA-quality MMORTS Metaverse game built on the Avalanche blockchain.

Introduction to Imperium Empires

Imperium Empires features AAA-quality graphics and a deflationary ecosystem. Players command spaceships, each an NFT, to conquer territories and build brand-new empires in space. The Imperium Empires game also features a guild system and a governance team.

Players can participate in PvE and PvP modes. They can form various alliances as they build their empires and conquer territories. This infinite metaverse universe is a full-fledged GameFi, created entirely as a solution to the problems that gamers face in blockchain-based games.


The first goal of Imperium Empires is to be a full GameFi that is different from other blockchain projects. The team addressed the problems in other GameFi projects in four points. These items are as follows:

  1. Low-quality graphics and limited gameplay – simply put, there’s no fun playing them
  2. Hyperinflationary and unsustainable tokenomics – no NFT burn mechanisms and play-to-earn rewards drain fast as the number of players grows
  3. Lack of deep DeFi integration – most GameFi projects fail to live up to their promises of the “Fi” part, with limited DeFi use except for simple staking
  4. Lack of guild-based gameplay that bonds guild members together and makes gaming into a social experience.

The team creates solutions to the above problems for the sustainability and playability of a GameFi.


Imperium Empires addresses the above issues as follows:

  • Imperium is not just a P2E game. It is designed to be fun to play. It has AAA-quality graphics and is not a game that players will play just to win.
  • Players may lose their spaceships, namely their NFTs, or their NFTs may be damaged while fighting in PvP mode. This is a feature that reduces the multitude of NFTs created by newcomers to the game and ensures ecosystem sustainability.
  • It works with the best DeFi protocols in the Avalanche ecosystem and gamifies DeFi, driving players to DeFi.
  • The governance and scholar system formed through guilds.

The solutions mentioned above were created by the creators of Imperium Empires to ensure a game’s ecosystem sustainability.

Imperium Empires

Game Content

The Imperium Metaverse universe is divided into three regions. Each zone has different risks and rewards. These regions are as follows:

  • Safe Zone: This is where players first start the game. This zone is for players who want to stay away from battles and only want to experience PvE. The rewards earned in this zone are very low due to the low level of risk.
  • War Zone: War Zone is the most hazardous zone in the game. In this zone, players can access the rarest resources and loot other ships. Players should be very careful when entering this zone, as ships can be destroyed. You can lose everything in an instant.
  • Combat Zone: The zone is medium in terms of danger. Players will not lose their ships in the Combat Zone, but they may take damage.

Players can cross the zones described above through Star-Gates. Each transition requires a certain amount of IMC tokens.

Imperium Empires Zones

PvE Mode

The roadmap described by the developers on the game’s official website is as follows:

  • Mining Players can mine to gather various resources. There are mining ships created to maximize mining.
  • Transport: Players can become transporters by choosing to transport resources to other regions in the game.
  • Co-Op Mission: Players are known for destroying and looting transport ships carrying resources. Rewards vary depending on the resources carried by the destroyed ship.

The rewards for activities that can be done in PvE mode are lower than in PvP mode because they are less risky.

PvP Mode

Pvp Mode is the Imperium Empires game mode where players can interact with other players. PvP mode consists of:

  • Territorial Control: It is based on fighting for control of the War Zone and Combat Zone. Guilds that gain control of a zone can build structures in those zones and compete for seasonal tournament prizes.
  • Looting Destroyed Spaceships: Players can loot the resources of destroyed ships in PvP battles.

PvP mode is a dangerous mode for players. It is significant to find a guild and travel together in order not to lose your ships.


Spaceships are the most basic NFT assets in the game. Players can choose from Fighter, Transport, and Mining spaceships depending on their game strategy. Each ship has customizable features. These are as follows:

  • Weapons
  • Shields
  • Armour
  • Cargo
  • Mining Lasers
  • Cloaking System
  • Environment Scanner
  • Repairing Drones

To upgrade features, players need to complete some requirements. Upgraded attributes add value to the ship. Players can buy Land for their spaceship and purchase a faction character to upgrade the power of their spaceship.

Imperium Empires


The Imperium Empires ecosystem has two different tokens, IME and IMC tokens. The IMC token is the in-game currency used for in-game activities such as resource trading, ship repair, and guild work. The IME token serves as the governance token of the platform. The total supply of IME tokens is 10 billion, and the distribution is as follows:



Imperium Empires Team


Imperium Empires is a full GameFi metaverse project built on the Avalanche blockchain with AAA quality. The game is designed for players to have fun while winning, not just to win. Players start the game in the Safe Zone with a spaceship. There are two different gameplay modes and five different earning sources depending on the players’ game activity.

Players buy a spaceship and try to upgrade it according to their chosen gameplay style. The PvE mode is for players who want a more relaxed gaming experience, while the PvP mode is for players who want to engage in riskier battles.


Written by

The author is a political science and public administration student at Kocaeli University. He is also studying Management Information Systems at Anadolu University. He met Blockchain technology and Cryptocurrencies for the first time in 2019. Interested in cryptocurrencies for over 2 years. In addition he provides E-commerce and social media marketing services.

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