CDS Startups Deschool – Promising Decentralized Metaverse Education Platform

Deschool – Promising Decentralized Metaverse Education Platform

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When we hear the word ’metaverse”, many of us think of games that players can earn cryptocurrency. So is it possible to think of an educational platform where people can acquire new knowledge and skills and earn tokens in the metaverse world? Deschool’s answer – “definitely yes”. But before talking about the features and benefits of this project, it is useful to answer the question “What is Deschool?” and understand what it is.

What is Deschool?

Deschool is a metaverse educational platform where users can find various courses and experienced teachers in different branches from around the world.

So which courses will users be able to benefit from?

Considering that the platform is still developing, we must say very clearly that users will be able to take advantage of courses with incredibly useful content in the crypto world. For example, the courses currently available on the platform include NFT construction, digital money, Web3 development and many other topics. If there is a question you want to ask or if you encounter something you don’t understand, you can send your questions at any time to the Q&A section.


If you wish, it is also possible to reach people who can mentor on these issues by joining the discord channel of the platform and ask for advice. Deschool continues to offer various educational resources to its users.


After describing the features of the platform’s training courses, another issue that we cannot pass by without mentioning is the benefits that users can get from this platform. After completing the courses, users will be able to mine SBT (Soul Bounded Token). The SBT obtained by the user is then converted into PoSK (proof of skills). Proof of skills is predicted to be a great advantage in Web3-related job interviews in the future. It should be added that in some DAOs, and even now it is an important requirement for admission to office jobs. In short, Deschool is a very suitable platform for the founders of new educational projects.

In addition, the course founders will have the opportunity to publish NFTs on the Deschool platform and will also be able to participate in the token distribution in the future. You should also remember that if you invite your friends to use this platform, you have a chance to get a 7% discount.


https://deschool .app/landing

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The author is 28 year old student recently graduated from Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Medicine. Currently he works as a writer and translator for different platforms.

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