CDS Crypto News MetaMask Launches Beta Staking
Crypto News

MetaMask Launches Beta Staking

MetaMask Launches Beta Staking

Together with Lido and Rocket Pool, the well-known cryptocurrency wallet platform MetaMask has launched a beta staking. Soon, public beta testing for the recently developed protocol for users who want to stake Ethereum straight via MetaMask will begin.

Beta Staking a Web3 Core Component

The brand-new MetaMask staking beta presents an enormous opportunity for Web3 in addition to Lido and Rocket Pool. During the beta stage, all users are eligible to stake ETH and receive rewards for using the network. Using the MetaMask Web3 application, the entire process can finish in one go by selecting the staking provider and “the amount of ETH to be allocated via a signed transaction.”

Recently, The Block spoke with MetaMask senior product manager Abdad Mian about the beta.

“It is important to note that MetaMask Staking isn’t providing staking services. Simply connect users to Lido and Rocket Pool to stake their ETH and received liquid staking tokens directly from the staking provider.”

Abdad Mian


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Lectertodd is 25 years old. She graduated from Çankaya University, Department of Psychology, in 2021. She actively works as a writer, translator, and editor for various websites. Moreover, she loves reading, researching, and learning new things.

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