Pavel Durov Breaks Silence: He Pledges to Fight for Free Speech
In the first public statement since his well-publicized detention in France in August, Telegram founder Pavel Durov has at last broken his silence. The tech mogul, who cited Telegram’s French legal representative as handling all regulatory requests and questions, expressed surprise that he had been arrested by French authorities.
Additionally, Durov—a French national—said that the French government could contact him in a number of ways without using force and that he frequently visited the French Consulate in Dubai. Subsequently, the creator of Telegram declared that the firm is ready to exit any nation that opposes Telegram’s stated goal of promoting free speech.
We are prepared to leave markets that aren’t compatible with our principles because we are not doing this for money. We are driven by the intention to bring good and defend the basic rights of people, particularly in places where these rights are violated.
As Rumble CEO Exits Europe, Warns of Increased Censorship After Durov Detained in France
French President Emmanuel Macron said in a statement that Durov’s detention was not political shortly after it occurred. The statement, meanwhile, had little effect in mitigating the strong worldwide condemnation directed towards the French government for detaining Durov. Calls to release Durov from members of The Open Network community and business executives were met with even more criticism when Macron reaffirmed France’s commitment to freedom of speech and expression.
On the other hand, Chris Pavlovski, the CEO and founder of Rumble, warned others that France was no longer safe for tech innovators who prioritized free speech after the country’s government took action. Pavlovski left Europe. Following his safe departure from Europe, Pavlovski sent his followers a message.
France has threatened Rumble, and now they have crossed a red line by arresting Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, reportedly for not censoring speech.
The CEO of Rumble continued by resolutely declaring that Rumble would defend the unalienable right to free speech by using all available means to thwart these censorship attempts.
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