CDS Crypto News Crypto News – Michael Saylor Forecasts ‘Economic Immortality’ with Bitcoin, Anticipates $10M per Coin
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Crypto News – Michael Saylor Forecasts ‘Economic Immortality’ with Bitcoin, Anticipates $10M per Coin

Crypto News - Michael Saylor Forecasts 'Economic Immortality' with Bitcoin, Anticipates $10M per Coin

Crypto News – Michael Saylor Forecasts : Bitcoin Paving the Way to ‘Economic Immortality,’ Projected Value at $10M per Coin

Crypto News- In an 84-minute podcast interview, Michael Saylor, the outspoken co-founder and executive chairman of business intelligence company MicroStrategy, passionately discussed the potential of Bitcoin. He made bold predictions, suggesting that Bitcoin’s price could soar to $10 million per coin and even speculated that the entire nation of China would rally behind the cryptocurrency.

Economic Pseudoscience and Bitcoin’s Virtues

During the interview, Saylor emphasized his belief in Bitcoin’s revolutionary potential. He described perfect money as “economic immortality” and contrasted it with imperfect money, which he likened to a “short, brutal life.” Saylor argued that Bitcoin represented a fundamental shift in economic thinking, rendering previous economic theories obsolete.

Bitcoin as a Corporate Immortality Machine

Saylor proposed an intriguing concept: Bitcoin as a tool for corporate immortality. He challenged business leaders with the question, “What if I told you I could make your company live forever?” Saylor argued that companies investing in Bitcoin could extend their lifespan significantly, potentially by a factor of ten, a hundred, or even a million.

Eliminating Corporate Mortality

Highlighting the precarious nature of traditional corporations, Saylor pointed out that the average life expectancy of a corporation is only around 10 years. By embracing Bitcoin, he claimed, companies could eliminate corporate mortality and enhance their economic vitality exponentially.

The Promise of Bitcoin’s Value

Saylor’s assertions weren’t limited to Bitcoin’s societal impact; he also made bold predictions about its future value. He confidently stated that a single Bitcoin could eventually be worth $10 million, citing potential widespread adoption by the Chinese people and government.

Crypto News - Michael Saylor Forecasts 'Economic Immortality' with Bitcoin, Anticipates $10M per Coin


Who is Michael Saylor?

Michael Saylor is the co-founder and executive chairman of MicroStrategy, a prominent business intelligence company.

What did Michael Saylor say about Bitcoin in the podcast interview?

In the podcast interview, Saylor made bold predictions about Bitcoin, suggesting that its price could reach $10 million per coin. He also speculated that China would embrace Bitcoin as a national currency.

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Crypto News - Michael Saylor Forecasts 'Economic Immortality' with Bitcoin, Anticipates $10M per Coin

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