CDS Crypto News Crypto News Today: Strategic Partnership: Crypto Exchanges and Tech Leaders Merge to Fight Scams
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Crypto News Today: Strategic Partnership: Crypto Exchanges and Tech Leaders Merge to Fight Scams

Crypto News Today: Strategic Partnership: Crypto Exchanges and Tech Leaders Merge to Fight Scams

Collaborative Effort: Crypto Exchanges and Tech Giants Join Forces Against Scams

Crypto News- Coinbase, in collaboration with tech industry giants like Match Group, Meta, Kraken, Ripple, Gemini, and the Global Anti-Scam Organization (GASO), has launched the “Tech Against Scams” coalition. This strategic alliance aims to pool resources and expertise to tackle the escalating issue of online fraud and financial schemes.

Recognizing the pervasive nature of scams across various digital platforms, the coalition emphasizes the importance of a unified approach in safeguarding consumers. By leveraging collective insights and best practices, these companies aspire to create a safer digital ecosystem, shielding users from the ever-evolving tactics of scammers.

Combatting the Digital Scourge: A Unified Front Against Tech-Based Scams

Highlighting the broad scope of the scam epidemic, Coinbase stressed that fraud extends beyond finance and social media to encompass the entire tech landscape. Through collaborative efforts, the coalition intends to exchange intelligence on scam tactics, devise proactive strategies, and educate consumers to recognize and evade scams effectively.

Despite blockchain transactions constituting a minor fraction of illicit activity, the financial impact on victims remains substantial, with global losses estimated at $1.4 trillion annually. The coalition’s mission is to curb these losses by enhancing awareness and protective measures.

Empowering Users: Practical Steps to Enhance Digital Security

While underscoring its own stringent compliance measures, Coinbase acknowledged that no platform is impervious to scams. Hence, the coalition emphasizes consumer vigilance and provides guidance on mitigating risks, such as sourcing apps from trusted platforms, exercising caution in transactions, seeking advice from trusted sources, and using reputable crypto services.

Ultimately, the coalition aspires to foster a secure and equitable financial landscape, ensuring broader access to economic freedom for individuals worldwide.


What is the “Tech Against Scams” coalition?

The “Tech Against Scams” coalition is a partnership formed by Coinbase along with major players in the tech industry such as Match Group, Meta, Kraken, Ripple, Gemini, and the Global Anti-Scam Organization (GASO). It aims to address the rising issue of online fraud and financial scams through collaborative efforts and resource pooling.

Why is the coalition necessary?

The coalition recognizes the widespread prevalence of scams across various digital platforms and industries. By joining forces, these companies aim to create a unified approach to combatting scams, leveraging their collective insights and expertise to safeguard consumers and create a safer digital environment.

What are the objectives of the coalition?

The coalition has several key objectives, including exchanging intelligence on scam tactics, devising proactive strategies to counter scams, and educating consumers to recognize and avoid scams effectively. Additionally, it aims to reduce the substantial global losses caused by financial scams, which are estimated at $1.4 trillion annually.

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Crypto News Today: Strategic Partnership: Crypto Exchanges and Tech Leaders Merge to Fight Scams

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