CDS Crypto News Breaking Crypto News – Creating a $30M Solana Sandwich Bot in 2 Months
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Breaking Crypto News – Creating a $30M Solana Sandwich Bot in 2 Months

Breaking Crypto News - Creating a $30M Solana Sandwich Bot in 2 Months

Breaking Crypto News – Solana Sandwich Bot: A Deep Dive into MEV Arbitrage

Breaking Crypto News – Through maximal extractible value (MEV) assaults, the notorious “arsc” sandwich bot has taken approximately $30 million from Solana users in the past two months. This specific sandwich bot, arsc, has “gone to great lengths” to avoid scrutiny while raking in earnings from Solana network users, according to Ben Coverston, founder of the cryptocurrency business MRGN Research, in a post published on X on June 15.

Breaking Crypto News - Solana Sandwich Bot: A Deep Dive into MEV Arbitrage
Breaking Crypto News - Creating a $30M Solana Sandwich Bot in 2 Months 1

Coverston believes that “9973h…zyWp6,” one of the bot’s biggest wallet addresses, is mostly being used for cold storage. According to its activity, it is very likely a locked-down, cold wallet because it is relatively idle, according to Coverston.

Breaking Crypto News - Solana Sandwich Bot: A Deep Dive into MEV Arbitrage
Breaking Crypto News - Creating a $30M Solana Sandwich Bot in 2 Months 2

Coverston Detected 3 Different Wallets

Coverston stated that a different main wallet bearing the address “Ai4zq…VXKKT” is far more involved in decentralized financial operations. As per SolanaFM, its overall assets are above $9.9 million, with the majority of those being non-SOL tokens.

As the sandwich assaults are carried out by Arsc using numerous signers and tippers, Coverston discovered a third wallet address, “BCbrp…vi58q,” which he believes to be the “main SOL bank.” According to Coveston, the operator of Arsc appears to be attempting to maintain a low profile, despite the three wallets holding a combined $29.8 million at present pricing.

“It seems they don’t enjoy the attention, as they’ve recently gone to great lengths to hide their activities and profits.”



What is a Sandwich Trading Bot?

In a nutshell, a crypto sandwich bot is an automated trading program that builds its own order (sandwich) between huge buy/sell orders it watches.

What is a Mev Sandwich Attack?

When an attacker “sandwiches” a victim’s transaction between two of their own, they are committing a MEV sandwich attack. Their goal is to manipulate the pricing and take advantage of the user. By purchasing the victim’s token below market value and reselling it within the same block, they earn profit.

What is a Maximal Extractable Value (MEV)?

When creating a new block, miners or validators can choose to include, reorder, or exclude transactions to achieve the maximum value, known as the maximal extractable value (MEV)

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Breaking Crypto News - Creating a $30M Solana Sandwich Bot in 2 Months
Written by

Lectertodd is 25 years old. She graduated from Çankaya University, Department of Psychology, in 2021. She actively works as a writer, translator, and editor for various websites. Moreover, she loves reading, researching, and learning new things.

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