CDS Crypto News Crypto News Today- Standard Chartered Analyst: SOL, XRP ETFs Likely by 2025
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Crypto News Today- Standard Chartered Analyst: SOL, XRP ETFs Likely by 2025

Crypto News Today- Standard Chartered Analyst: SOL, XRP ETFs Likely by 2025

Standard Chartered analyst predicts SOL, XRP, and other crypto ETFs are likely to emerge in 2025

Crypto News– Geoffrey Kendrick, an analyst at Standard Chartered Bank, has set the stage for a tantalizing glimpse into the future of cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs). With the recent green light given to ether spot ETFs, Kendrick forecasts that 2025 could mark the advent of a new era for crypto ETFs.

In his statement to The Block, Kendrick paints a picture of anticipation, suggesting that coins like SOL and XRP may be eyeing their own ETF status on the horizon. However, Kendrick notes that this narrative is likely to unfold in 2025 rather than in the current year.

The approval of ether spot ETFs carries significant implications, particularly regarding the classification of ETH by the SEC. Kendrick suggests that this decision not only validates Ethereum’s status but also sets a precedent for similar coins. This includes those like XRP, which faced scrutiny in the 2023 legal battles, hinting that they too may escape the label of securities.

In essence, Kendrick’s insights shed light on the evolving regulatory landscape and the potential for further mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies beyond just Bitcoin and Ethereum. The crypto world awaits eagerly as the story unfolds, poised for what could be a transformative chapter in the saga of digital assets.

Anticipated Surge: BTC and ETH Poised for Dominance Ascension

As the crypto market eagerly anticipates the advent of more ETFs, Geoffrey Kendrick foresees a surge in dominance for Bitcoin and Ethereum. He emphasizes this within the context of the Sharpe ratio, hinting at the emergence of potential winners in the near future.

Kendrick’s bullish outlook extends to spot Bitcoin ETFs, predicting a robust influx of investments and setting a bold price target of $150,000 for BTC by the year’s close. He underscores the attractiveness of a portfolio comprising both BTC and ETH ETFs, citing the SEC’s pivotal decision on Ethereum as further validation for the industry.

Turning to Ethereum ETFs, Kendrick anticipates trading to kick off next month, projecting substantial inflows ranging from $15 to $45 billion within the initial 12 months. He reiterates his optimistic forecast for ETH, envisioning a year-end price target of $8,000.


Who is the source of this information?

The information comes from a Standard Chartered analyst, providing an expert perspective on the potential timeline for SOL and XRP ETFs.

What does “SOL, XRP ETFs Likely by 2025” imply?

It suggests that Standard Chartered Bank anticipates the introduction of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for cryptocurrencies SOL and XRP within the next few years, specifically by 2025.

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Crypto News Today- Standard Chartered Analyst: SOL, XRP ETFs Likely by 2025

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