CDS Etkinlikler The Highly Anticipated Pitch Point: IST Breakfast Edition will Take Place on November 17

The Highly Anticipated Pitch Point: IST Breakfast Edition will Take Place on November 17

Are you ready to step into a morning full of insight and networking at Pitch Point?

The Highly Anticipated Pitch Point: Ist Breakfast Edition Will Take Place On November 17

Founders and VCs discuss ideas at Pitch Point in order to gain fresh perspectives on the markets they are investigating. Moreover, they meet the creators influencing the future today.

The Highly Anticipated Pitch Point: IST Breakfast Edition will Take Place on November 17

The main goal of this event is to bring together investors and founders to exchange ideas, discover new markets to enter, and discover areas of mutual compatibility. Amazing things can happen when brilliant brains get together. Attend the event with future-facing innovative founders and your preferred venture capitalist. Come explore the endless possibilities that arise when people come together to shape the future!

Etkinlik Takvimi

The schedule of this event, which requires pre-registration and approval for participation, is as follows:

  • 09.30 – Doors open
  • ​09.30 – Event Registration + Coffee/Tea
  • ​10.00 – Intro & VC Panel discussions:

– The bear market does not exist: next-gen and next gems

– How not to kill your venture – advices from VCs for founders (with Q&A)

  • ​11.00 – Startup & Investor Meetings – networking & matched sessions
  • ​12.30 – 13.00 – Closing

VC representatives are required to contact the platform via the VC form. The representatives will then be informed about the selected projects. In order for the founders to take part in the event, the best founders among the applicants will have to present their projects in one-on-one meetings with visiting investors. The engaging event is brought to you by Moonhill Capital, and CDS is a partner in the event. For more updates, follow the Pitch Point event page, X account, and Telegram announcement channel.

The Highly Anticipated Pitch Point: Ist Breakfast Edition Will Take Place On November 17 120325

Lectertodd is 28 years old. She graduated from Çankaya University, Department of Psychology, in 2021. She actively works as a writer, translator, and editor for various websites. Moreover, she loves reading, researching, and learning new things.

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