CDS Basın Bülteni Join HIT Games Conference ONLINE!
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Join HIT Games Conference ONLINE!

Join Hit Games Conference Online!

Join HIT Games Conference ONLINE, the premier online conference shaping the gaming industry’s future! Participation is FREE 🎮

Join HIT Games Conference ONLINE!

  • 2 online conference days;
  • 1000 attendees and expert speakers from 90+ countries.

Experience dynamic solo speeches, panel discussions, and online networking activities: Games showcase, publisher pitch, investor pitch and meeting system!

Connect with professionals globally, uncover trends, and forge collaborations.

Registration is open! Don’t miss the chance to be part of the Mobile, PC, Console, VR & AR, Web3 gaming revolution!

🎟️ Secure your spot:

Join Hit Games Conference Online!

Şevval has been actively writing since 2022 and is a third-year mathematics student at Ankara University. Her interest in writing is shaped particularly around innovative technologies such as Web3, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. She closely follows developments in these fields and aims to convey complex topics to readers in a clear and engaging manner. She enjoys combining her mathematical knowledge with technology to create content and strives to raise awareness about the digital world of the future.

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